"Non-Destructive Testing, Structural Health Monitoring and Forecasting
Industry News | 2018-05-14
In 2018, ASME released a new technology magazine named Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems.
Purpose and Scope:
The Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems (JNDE) provides a venue for communication, discussion, and dissemination of advanced research related to ideas, opinions and solutions on a variety of subjects related to NDE (Nondestructive Evaluation), SHM (Structural Health Monitoring) and prognosis. This journal will address the need for an archival international journal that will cover many aspects of interdisciplinary work in the field of NDE and SHM and report use of NDE and SHM in a wide range of applications in industry, government sector and academia.
The goal of the journal is to inform readers with state-of-the art developments in NDE, SHM and prognosis, disseminate new ideas on these subjects, and report related valuable applications. It is envisioned that the journal will bring under one umbrella engineering and science disciplines contributing to NDE, SHM and prognosis and feature practical applications of NDE and SHM in many technical fields.
Contributions are welcomed in all areas of design, development, and applications of NDE and SHM in engineering systems, including:
● Sensors, electronic hardware, testing methodologies, diagnostic feature extraction, damage classification, diagnostic decision support, prognosis, service life prediction.
●Theoretical developments, numerical analysis (i.e. Finite element, boundary element, peridynamics and peri-ultrasound based modeling techniques), and hardware-in-the-loop simulations supporting NDE and SHM methodologies.
●Continuous and periodic condition assessment using ultrasonics, acoustic emission, vibrations, radiography, electromagnetics, optics, imaging, and other traditional and emerging technologies. On-line and off-line diagnostic approaches.
●Applications of NDE and SHM in mechanical, structural, aerospace, naval, and automotive engineering; electronics, systems, nuclear, and off-shore engineering; harsh or extreme environments; power systems, materials testing, manufacturing processes, product quality control, fault and failure analysis in engineering systems.
Editor: Tribikram Kundu, University of Arizona
Frequency: Quarterly(2018)