The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is an acronym for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The American Association of Mechanical Engineers, founded in 1880, has branches around the world. It is an international academic organization with great authority and influence. ASME is mainly engaged in the development of science and technology in mechanical engineering and related fields, and encourages basic research. Promote academic exchanges, develop collaboration with other engineering associations, develop standardization activities, and develop mechanical specifications and standards. It has 125000 members, manages the worldundefineds largest technology publishing agency, hosts 30 technical conferences per year, 200 professional development courses, and sets many industry and manufacturing standards.
AIA:Is an authorized inspection body that complies with the ASME QAI-1 standard and is accredited by the ASME organization in accordance with the requirements set out in part 4 of the ASME QAI-1 standard.
Authorized Inspection Agency(AIA)
The authorized inspection authority (AIA) is one of the following: ●Jurisdiction: acceptance and enforcement of one or more building code parts of ASME Boiler and pressure vessel Code (BPVC) as a regulatory body to meet legal or regulatory requirements. ●Insurance Company : An insurance company authorized or registered by the competent authority of the United States of America or a province of Canada , which is covered by insurance for boilers and pressure vessels in this state or province. ●Independent third-party inspection organization: a company providing third-party inspection services that is approved by the government to carry out inspections and design audits for boilers and pressure vessels.
ASME boiler and pressure vessel certification project (non-nuclear):
●ASME BPVC certification procedures refer to rules for compliance with specifications for the design, manufacture, assembly and inspection of boilers and pressure vessels and their components during construction. 1916, Shortly after the first release of the rules for the Construction of fixed boilers and permissible working pressure (today known as ASME BPVC), ASME began to provide certification to pressure equipment industry companies to prove that their quality control systems met the requirements. Products manufactured by ASME BPVC certificate holders in accordance with applicable ASME BPVC specification volumes are certified and marked. Today there are more than 6800 certificate holders in the ASME BPVC certification program. ●The ASME BPVC certification program offers a range of, but not limited to, power boilers, heating boilers, pressure vessels, fibre reinforced plastic containers, transport tanks and valves.
About the ASME nuclear facility certification project:
●Since the first publication of the rules for the construction of ASME BPVC< nuclear facilities in 1963, ASME has started the ASME nuclear certification project, which has played an important role in supporting the nuclear energy industry, but has only strengthened this support.
●Certificate provision: the N Authorization Certificate issued by ASME indicates that the certificate holder has passed a rigorous investigation to verify the adequacy and validity of the quality Assurance Scheme. The N Authorization Certificate allows the certificate holder to comply with the requirements of ASME BPVC Section III, Certification and certification of newly constructed components, parts and attachments used at nuclear facilities and certificates issued by ASME and authorized to all persons in the following areas of activity:
●N-containers, pumps, valves, piping systems, tanks, core support structures and transport packaging;
●Na-all projects for site installation and workshop assembly; ●NPT- parts, appendages, welded tubular products and pipe assemblies; ●NS- support structure; ●NV-Safety valve; ●QSC-Nuclear material organization(MO); ●OWN-Nuclear power plant owne.
Our Service
In December 2010, CSEI ASME Inspection Co.,Ltd. was authorized by the National Institute of Mechanical Engineers and the American Association of inspectors. To become the authorized inspection authority (AIA) of ASME in China, and to carry out the relevant product inspection business in accordance with the ASME Code No. Manufacturerundefineds replacement service and third-party inspection of the boiler pressure vessel construction process in accordance with NB-360 standards. Authorized in May 2014 by the ASME Code for nuclear facilities, volumes IhIII-1 / III-1 / III-3 / IVVIII-1VIII-1 / 2 / 3 / X and XII, and also authorized by the American Association of inspectors in July 2017, To become Chinaundefineds authorized inspection authority (AIA), and according to NBIC Code Volume 3 to carry out related equipment repair and replacement of third-party products inspection and manufacturer replacement service. Since then, the company can carry out related nuclear and non-nuclear inspection business in accordance with ASME specifications.
Certification Process
The process of obtaining an ASME authorization certificate can be divided into five steps: 1. Sign a written agreement with CSEI-ASME; 2. Application to ASME; 3. Prepare quality control outline and implementation rules; 4. Preparation for joint inspection (design, manufacture of model samples); 5.Joint Inspection.
ASME Certification program for non - nuclear certificate and steel seal
First month:
1. Set up ASME forensics work team;
2. Signed a service agreement with CSEI-ASME;
3. Apply to ASME online, order ASME specifications, pay ASME fees;
4. CSEI-ASME inspector (AI) to plant service:
a) how to prepare the requirements for obtaining evidence of;
b) ASME specification.
* Note that: CSEI-ASME will give application, order channel and format and purchase specification catalogue.
Second month: ●Completion of documentation:
a) Technical specifications for the design of;
b) users (demonstration product);
c) design calculation and drawings (demonstration product);
d) material application form);
e) Technical conditions for material procurement (demonstration products, training of);
f) NDT personnel if necessary, assessment outline.
●CSEI-ASME Inspectors (AI) to the factory to review and approve the above documents. Description:CSEI-ASME QC manuals and samples of some procedural documents will be provided for reference Third month: ●Complete the preparation of the following documents:
a) material purchase order (demonstration product);
b) process flow chart and process inspection sheet (demonstration product);
c) welding process assessment record, welder skill assessment record;
a) material procurement (including welding material);
b) material procurement and in-plant acceptance;
c) welding process evaluation, welder skills assessment;
d) NDT personnel training, qualification examination and appointment;
●CSEI-ASME inspectors (AI) are present to review and approve the above documents and designate the inspection and stop points of the demonstration products. Fourth month:
●Demonstration products are put into production and inspectors (AI) come to the scene to serve:
1. Review and approve ASME manuals and procedures;
2. Review and approval of the following documents:
a) Design calculation and drawings;
b) material application and purchasing technical conditions;
c) process flow chart and process inspection sheet;
d) welding process and evaluation record; Welder skill Assessment record;
e) other completed documentation;
3. Designation of test and stop points for demonstration products.
●Review of non-destructive testing personnel qualification records; provision of advice.
Fifth month:
●Demonstration products are put into production and manufactured to ASME joint inspection status as required;
● (AI) go to plant to carry out stop point inspection and pre-check before ASME joint inspection.
*Statement: the purpose of the pre-inspection is to confirm that the preparation is in compliance with the ASME specification.
Sixth month:
1. Correct all problems found during pre-inspection. CSEI inspector (AI) reconfirms.
2. ASME Joint Inspection, time 2 days.
Statement: ASME Joint Inspection Unit is composed of ASME and inspectors (AI) and Chief inspectors (AIS).
* CSEI-ASME inspectors (AIS) are both a process of reviewing documents, inspecting products and providing consulting services during their arrival at the plant. You may also consult at any other time.
*ASME Certificate of nuclear grade evidence plan separately issued, welcome to consult.