ASME VIII-1 容器检查孔条款速查指南
行业信息 | 2018-07-10
ASME VIII-1 总则中的 UG-46给出了关于容器检查孔的通用要求,同时在规范的其它条款、规范案例以及释义里面也有提到:
ASME VIII-1 检查孔参考条款 UG-46:
UG-46(a) – Vessels with compressed air or with corrosion, or with erosion, or with mechanical abrasion need inspection openings. Exemptions:
Air dried to atmospheric dew point -50°F or lower,
Shell side of fixed tube heat exchangers
Non-corrosive service
UG-46(b) – use of telltale holes instead of inspection openings
UG-46(c,d&e) – opening requirements and exemptions based on the diameter of the vessel
UG-46(f&g) – what qualifies as an inspection opening based on size of the vessel and the opening size
UG-46(h,i&j) – design of the opening
UG-32(o) and UG-33(j) – use the rules of UG-36 through UG-46 when designing openings in heads
UG-42(e) – threaded inspection openings size vs threaded nozzle size
UG-45 – exemption to mininum nozzle thickness requirements for inspection openings
UCI-36(a) and UCD-36(a) – UG-46 applies to inspection openings in cast vessels with thickness restrictions
UCL-25(b) – telltale holes instead of inspection openings in clad vessels
ULW-16(a) and ULW-18(a&c) – inspection openings in layered vessels
App 9-4(b) – inspection openings in jackets
M-2(b) – inspection openings shall be accessible
2634 – Exemptions to inspection opening requirements when the vessel is contained in a sealed container
VIII-81-56 and VIII-77-11 – it is the users job to determine if a service is corrosive (caution: VIII-1-04-15 and VIII-1-07-63 define under what conditions air is considered non-corrosive)
VIII-1-04-15, VIII-1-07-63 and VIII-1-89-93 – exemption per UG-46(a) for air, dried to -50°F and not
VIII-1-86-31 – inspection openings are not required for non-corrosive service
VIII-1-83-264 – if openings are to be used for inspection, the plugs must be supplied by the manufacturer
VIII-1-83-336 – any size vessel can be non-corrosive and flexibility in sizing of openings
VIII-1-83-358 – what qualifies as an inspection opening (this interpretation is probably superseded by code changes made in 1987)
VIII-77-101 – inspection openings for heat exchangers and telltale holes (very old, probably superseded by code changes to UG-46 directly related to heat exchangers and use of telltale holes)
VIII-80-93 – configuration of threaded openings
14-2223 – inspection nozzle size limits for cold-stretched vessels
15-748 – understanding UG-46 opening size requirements
VIII-1-01-122 – corrosive service requires inspection openings even if the corrosion allowance is zero
VIII-1-92-136, VIII-79-12 and VIII-1-95-115 – substitution of inspection nozzle sizes, and non-corrosive service
VIII-1-95-46 – if a corrosion allowance is specified, then the service is corrosive unless otherwise stated on the MDR