行业信息 | 2018-11-07
Join ARPEL (Association of Oil, Gas and Biofuels Sector Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean) and ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) at the third biennial International Pipeline Geotechnical Conference (IPG 2019), and the 89 ARPEL Expert Level Meetings (RANE´s), in Buenos Aires, Argentina from June 25-27, 2019.
IPG 2019 is an international event to share knowledge, foster international cooperation, and promote technical progress by advancing the management of natural forces impacting pipelines – protecting the public, environment, energy infrastructure assets, and ensuring safe and reliable operations.
Pipeline risk factors associated with natural forces include:
●Landslides and mass movement
●Tectonics/seismicity - including fault crossings and liquefaction
●Hydrotechnical - including river scour and channel migration
●Erosion and upheaval displacement
●Geochemical - including karst and acid rock drainage
●Unique soil structure - including residual and sensitive soils
●Desert mechanisms - including dune migration
●Volcanic mechanisms
●Freezing of unfrozen ground
●Thawing of permafrost terrain
These forces have become critical in the integrity management of pipelines, due to failures causing loss of life and damage to the environment. The risk factors, known as geohazards, result from geotechnical, geological, hydrological, or tectonic natural processes that represent potential threats usually induced during the pipeline construction and operations.
Geohazard management practices, including special design and construction, monitoring and inspection, risk assessment and associated data management, have seen considerable advancements in recent years as the topic has gained prominence within the pipeline community.
Who Should Attend?
The Conference will be of special interest to:
●Professionals from the oil and gas pipeline sector.
●Professionals from the mining industry.
●Professionals responsible for the facilities integrity, geotechnics, applied geomatics, risk analysis, operations, right of way maintenance, geotechnics instrumentation, pipelines design, construction and maintenance.
Providers of goods and services.
November 08 2018
Submission of Abstract
November 29 2018
Author Notification of Abstract Acceptance
January 15 2019
Submission of Full-Length Paper for Review