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行业信息 | 2019-02-21


Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 

1987年1月 – 至今

February 1987 – Present

ASME的科技期刊《离岸力学和极地工程》– Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering (SCIE引用,2018年影响因子1.044)该期刊重点关注海洋、离岸和极地中各个领域里的分析、设计与技术的发展,基础性、前瞻性研究和综述性评论并举,既有对现有成熟观点的回顾,更有创新思路的展示。其主要目标是为日益重要的海洋工程提供一个学术交流平台,鼓励更多的专业人士关注、参与这一事关人类未来发展空间的工程领域的交流与合作。


Offshore Mechanics, Drilling Technology, Fixed and Floating Production Systems; Ocean Engineering, Hydrodynamics, and Ship Motions; Ocean Climate Statistics, Storms, Extremes, and Hurricanes; Structural Mechanics; Safety, Reliability, Risk Assessment, and Uncertainty Quantification; Riser Mechanics, Cable and Mooring Dynamics, Pipeline and Subsea Technology; Materials Engineering, Fatigue, Fracture, Welding Technology, Non-destructive Testing, Inspection Technologies, Corrosion Protection and Control; Fluid-structure Interaction, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Flow and Vortex-Induced Vibrations; Marine and Offshore Geotechnics, Soil Mechanics, Soil-pipeline Interaction; Ocean Renewable Energy; Ocean Space Utilization and Aquaculture Engineering; Petroleum Technology; Polar and Arctic Science and Technology, Ice Mechanics, Arctic Drilling and Exploration, Arctic Structures, Ice-structure and Ship Interaction, Permafrost Engineering, Arctic and Thermal Design.


Journal Impact Factor*: 1.044

*引自2017 Journal Citation Reports ® (Clarivate Analytics, 2018)


主编Editor: Lance Manuel, University of Texas at Austin, USA


出版频率Frequency: 双月刊Bi-monthly




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